Our Policies & Guidelines
General & NXXT TEAMS
*All Policies are subject to change and it is the players responsibility to know and understand these policies.
Course MarkingsThe tournament course will be marked by the Tour staff prior to the event. In addition to the normal course markings, the staff will place one, two or three small dots to indicate each day's pin placement for the tournament.
AmateursAll amateur players have the opportunity to play for WAGR and JGS points and Player of the Year points that count towards the Epson Tour exemptions. Amateurs will have their own separate WAGR/JGS leaderboard, but will still compete in the professional stroke play and TEAM Golf divisions. For tournaments to count toward WAGR, the field size must consist of no less than eight amateur players to qualify for points. A maximum of 8 amateurs are allowed to play in any given event. Winners of NXXTGen events that have received exemptions to the event will have priority on amateur spots. Amateur registration fees are discounted; amateurs will not have the ability to play for prize money. An Amateur may register under the professional category fee (full pro entry amounts) in which case amateurs have full ability to play for all three (WAGR, Player of the Year points towards Epson Tour exemptions, and prize money up to max. of $1,000 per event). Amateur winners of NXXTGen events will receive priority on the 8 amateur spots available in each event. All other amateur registrations will be reviewed and approved by the NXXT Tournament Committee.
EPSON TOUR ExemptionsWe are excited to announce that this year, 10 EPSON TOUR exemptions will be awarded through our NXXT Winter Series. Here are the updated rules: 1. Exemption Awards: Five selected NXXT Championship events will award the winner and runner-up of each event a direct exemption into an EPSON TOUR event, totaling 10 exemptions. 2. Exemption Details: The exemptions will provide access to the first three EPSON TOUR events for the 2025 season, and the next two events following the conclusion of the NXXT Winter Series season in March. 3. Event Qualification: To qualify for the exemptions, the selected NXXT Championship events must have a minimum field of 30 players. 4. Eligible Epson Exemption Events: Feb 3-5: NXXT Shootout at Mission Inn (El Campeon) – Howey-in-the-Hills, FL – $30,000 purse Feb 10-12: NXXT Championship at Alaqua CC – Longwood, FL – $30,000 purse Feb 17-19: NXXT Championship at Southern Hills – Brooksville, FL – $30,000 purse Mar 18-20: NXXT Championship at LPGA International (Hills) – Daytona Beach, FL – $30,000 purse Mar 25-27: NXXT National Championship at Club Adena – Ocala, FL – $50,000 purse
Equipment RulesTo help ensure that players competing in the Tour tournaments use equipment which conform to the USGA Rules of Golf, players are encouraged to: Confirm with equipment manufacturers that new equipment or samples have been approved by the USGA. Have any altered or unusual clubs checked out by a Tour Rules Official before tournament use. Verify that the ball chosen to be played is on the USGA’s Conforming Golf Balls list. If a player fails to submit her equipment prior to competition, she assumes all risk of a ruling should the equipment NOT conform with the USGA Rules of Golf. Additionally, if required by a Tour official, a player is obligated to surrender any equipment if it is determined that additional off-site testing is necessary to rule on conformity. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. Electronic Devices The use of distance-measuring devices will be permitted in all NXXT Golf Tour events. The device must be used to only measure distance. If a player uses a distance-measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., elevation changes, wind speed, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 4.3a(1). Mobile cell phones may be used to contact a Tour official, check the leaderboard, check the weather forecast or used as an electronic distance-measuring device. Examples of uses of an electronic device that may assist the player in her play and therefore in breach of Rule 4.3a(1): Using the device to ask for or give advice, or Listening to music or a broadcast for prolonged period might assist the player in her play by eliminating distraction or promoting a good tempo. Other electronic devices such as radios, ipods, MP3 players, televisions, and the like, are NOT permitted. Any use of such device during the stipulated round will result in disciplinary action and possible DISQUALIFICATION. (Use is defined as the device being on at any time during the stipulated round).
Golf Carts for Disabled Family MembersWhile we will make every effort to accommodate disabled family members who need golf carts, we remind the players that additional golf carts on site at tournaments create numerous logistical concerns. As such, we have worked closely with tournament organizations to reduce the overall number of carts used during each tournament week. The following policy shall be applicable for members seeking to obtain the use of a golf cart for a disabled family member: The request for the use of the cart must be made by the Tour member and must indicate the name of the person, the nature of the disability, and if requested by the Tour, provide medical reports or other data indicating the extent and nature of the disability. A request must be made for each individual tournament and must be made no later than the Tuesday of the tournament week. Carts will be made available only to family members who have a disability that prevents them from walking along with their players. Cart fees may apply. The Tour Director’s decision shall be final. If a cart is issued to the family member, the following rules relating to the use of the cart shall apply: Carts must remain on paths at all times. Carts will NOT be permitted in designated practice areas (e.g., range, putting green, etc.) at any time. If in the Tour Director’s opinion, use of the cart could potentially damage the playing surface of the golf course (e.g., due to wet course conditions), the Tour Director shall have the right to deny the use of the cart.
Junior and Corporate ClinicsWe believe clinics are an important part of a NXXT Golf Tour tournament experience and will be offered to the host site for all tournaments, usually the day before the tournament. Each clinic will require min of 5 professionals. Players will be asked to volunteer for clinics. Clinic information will be posted on the Ops Center message board and the tournaments Schedule of Events. NOTE: every NXXT Golf Tour player is required to help with one clinic a season. If you commit and find yourself unable to attend, it is your responsibility to find a replacement. Players failing to attend are subject to a fine in the amount of $100.
Late to the TeeThe player must start at the time established by the Committee. The Tour encourages players to be present at the starting point of their designated starting hole at least ten minutes before the players scheduled tee time. Note under Rule 5-3a, Exception 1 – if a player arrives at the starting point and ready to play the player gets the General Penalty applied to their first hole. After five minutes late, the player is disqualified. The clocks at the starting areas are the “Official Time.”
Marketing & PromotionI understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording.
Pace of PlayOut of Position First Group: at any time during the round they exceed the allotted time to play. Subsequent Groups: at any time during the round they; (a) exceed the allotted time and; (b) reach a par-3 hole that is open and free of play, reach par-4 hole and have not played a stroke from the teeing ground before the hole is open and free of play, or reach a par-5 hole and all players in the group have not played a stroke from the teeing ground before the hole is open and free of play. NOTE: The Rules Committee reserves the right to time a group when the Committee deems it necessary. Further, if a player is determined by the Committee to be unreasonably slow, she may be timed individually at the Committee’s discretion regardless of whether her group is out of position. Timing All players in a group that is out of position will be informed they are being timed. Below are guidelines for timing: A group falling behind or just out of position, if possible, will be warned. However, timing may commence without a warning. A group will be warned only once in a round. If possible, after a warning, a group will be monitored to determine if player(s) need to be timed individually. Timing could occur on any hole, including the finishing holes of a round or the next hole. Other than on the putting green, timing of a stroke begins when it is the player’s turn to play and he/she can play without interference or distraction. Time spent determining yardage counts in the time taken for the next stroke. On the putting green, timing begins after a player is allowed a reasonable amount of time to mark, lift, clean, and replace their ball, repair ball marks and remove loose impediments on their line of play. A player has 40 seconds to play a stroke, with an additional 10 seconds (total of 50) when first to play: stroke on a par-3; a second stroke on a par-4 or par-5; a third stroke on a par-5; a stroke near the putting green or, a stroke on the putting green. A player being timed, who exceeds the applicable time to play a stroke will be informed as soon as possible. Penalties During Round First Offense: no penalty Second Offense: one Penalty Stroke Third Offense: two Penalty Strokes Fourth Offense: DISQUALIFICATION Appeals Any appeal of a penalty must be referred to the on-site Director of Rules and Competition immediately upon competition of the player in question’s round. The Tournament Director’s decision shall be final. If the players in question does not appeal immediately upon conclusion of their round any penalties shall stand.
Player AttireProper golf attire is required, and the LPGA dress code will apply at each event. Players are expected to dress and present themselves in a professional manner and reflect a positive image to the public (e.g. fans, sponsors, club officials, charities, junior golfers, etc.) when participating in NXXT Golf Tour events.
Player ConductThis is a professional tour and the NXXT Golf Tour expects all players to conduct themselves as such. Club throwing, offensive language, destruction of property, and any other conduct deemed by the Tournament Committee to be unbecoming of a professional will not be tolerated. The following is a list of the possible offenses and penalties: Offensive language (per tournament) First Offense: Warning Second Offense: DQ warning and $100 fine Third Offense: Disqualification and subject to dismissal from Tour Club Throwing (per tournament) First Offense: DQ warning Second Offense: Disqualification and $100 fine Destruction of Property (annually accumulative) First Offense: DQ warning Second Offense: Disqualification, $100 fine, and Tour expulsion warning Third Offense: Tour expulsion Striking a Tee Marker (annually accumulative) First Offense: DQ warning and $100 fine Any Subsequent Offense: $100 fine and Disqualification Failure to Rake Bunkers (per tournament) All bunkers must be raked properly and thoroughly after a player has played from it. Raking with a club or foot is not acceptable. The bunker should be left in better shape than when the player entered it in order to create equal conditions for all participants. If a caddie fails to rake a bunker, the player is held responsible for his caddy’s actions. Failure to rake a bunker, penalties are as follows: First Offense: DQ warning Second Offense: Disqualification and $100 fine Alcohol Consumption (per tournament) Alcohol consumption during tournament rounds will not be tolerated. Up to a $100 fine will be assessed for each violation with possible disqualification from the tournament. This will be the sole discretion of the Tour Officials. Excessive alcohol consumption during a practice round, Pro-Am, and/or alcohol abuse during a Tour function will not be tolerated. Up to a $100 fine will be assessed for each violation with possible disqualification from the tournament. This will be the sole discretion of the Tour Officials. In the administration of these player conduct guidelines, a member of the Rules Committee shall not tolerate abuse, oral or otherwise, by a player or caddy. Such abuse may constitute conduct unbecoming of a professional. Any excessive behavior deemed unprofessional is grounds for disqualification or tour expulsion, and is at the sole discretion of the Tour Officials. Players disqualified or expelled are not entitled to a refund or credit for their entry fee or Tour membership fee. Any fines incurred must be paid before the player will be allowed to tee off for the next round. This Conduct Policy will be strictly enforced and applies to all competitors.
Player EligibilityThis Policy is effective March 7, 2024. Eligibility for NXXT Tour events are as follows: A. Compliance with Anti-doping Rules on Performance Enhancing Drugs Performance Enhancing Drugs (“PEDs”) are not permitted to be used by players in NXXT Events. NXXT follows the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Policy. All Tour participants must comply with the World Anti-Doping Agency’s guidelines. This includes adhering to the WADA prohibited substances and methods list, which is updated regularly. For reference, the 2018 WADA prohibited substances list can be found here. Participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this list, as it is essential for maintaining the integrity and fairness of the competition. B. Female Participation Each participant in an NXXT Event must be a biological female. The Tour, in its sole discretion, may, at any time and for any reason, require a participant or prospective participant to complete an SRY screen or chromosome screen. If the screen raises further questions, the Tour, in its sole discretion, may require additional testing. C. Professional Golfers The NXXT Golf Tour is a highly competitive tour for professional women golfers, open solely to female professionals and amateurs meeting the requirements below. Female Professionals who are 15 years of age or older by the 1st round of any NXXT Golf Tour tournament for which she is registered. Professionals may purchase a season-long membership or enter on an event-by-event basis. D. Amateur Golfers Female Amateurs who are 15 years of age or older by the 1st round of any NXXT Golf Tour event she registers to play will be eligible to play on a space available basis only and must have a World Handicap System Index of 4.0 or less. Additionally, amateurs are eligible to win up to $1,000.00 per tournament if they register under the Professional Rate on the NXXT Golf Tour. All amateur players have the opportunity to play for WAGR points and Player of the Year points that count towards the Epson Tour exemptions. Amateurs will have their own separate WAGR leaderboard, but will still compete in the professional stroke play and TEAM Golf divisions. For tournaments to count toward WAGR, the field size must consist of no less than eight amateur players to qualify for points. Amateur registration fees are discounted; amateurs will not have the ability to play for prize money. An Amateur may register under the professional category fee (full pro entry amounts), in which case amateurs have full ability to play for all three (WAGR, Player of the Year points towards Epson Tour exemptions, and prize money up to a maximum of $1,000 per event). Amateur winners of NXXTGen events will receive priority on the 8 amateur spots available in each event. All other amateur registrations will be reviewed and approved by the NXXT Tournament Committee. E. Final Eligibility Determination The NXXT Women's Pro Tour retains full authority to make all final decisions regarding a player’s eligibility and status. The Tour reserves the right to amend or alter any of these terms at any time or to take executive action to uphold the integrity and fairness of the competition. Furthermore, the Tour reserves the right to deny, revoke, or limit participation based on an evaluation of player behavior or the conduct of their support team, particularly if such behavior is deemed disruptive or contrary to the spirit of the Tour. All decisions made by the Tour’s committee are final, and no appeal process will be offered.
Practice AreasRange balls will be provided at each tournament. Range hours will be determined by host course pro shop. Players must cooperate with the closing hours of the range. A $100 fine will be assessed if a player does not comply with the host course range policy.
Practice RoundsOfficial practice round days are 1-2 days before each tournament’s first round. The Tour will negotiate a practice round rate. In some cases it may be free. Price will be indicated on the tournament event page. Players must call the host course to arrange tee times in advance.
Preferred Lies PoliciesUse of the Preferred Lies is a Local Rule. We will always put the notice that we are playing preferred lies in the starter box. While we will instruct the starter (a volunteer) to notify each group, it is the players’ responsibility to check the starter box for the notice of play. As a professional golf tour, the NXXT Golf Tour strives to honor the principles of “Play the ball as it lies.” However, adverse weather conditions can make a course nearly unplayable under the rules of golf due to temporary water on the greens, in bunkers and in closely mown areas of the General Area. Under the rules for Temporary Water, if a player takes relief in the General Area, she must take full relief at the nearest point of complete relief, no nearer the hole. When a course is extremely wet, the nearest point of complete relief from temporary water may be in the rough or behind a tree, etc. This local rule is to be used one round at a time and it may be discontinued for the next round if the course can be played under the rules. It is Important to note, the Rules Committee will not use this local Rule simply because the ball may have a tendency to pick up mud. But rather, this Local Rule will only be used in extreme situations when it would be impactable to play the course fairly under the Rules.
Pro-Am Tournament CriteriaOn occasion, the NXXT Golf Tour will host a charity or corporate pro-am prior to the event. Pro-ams provide you the opportunity to meet influential people and make contacts you may not otherwise get to meet. The number of professionals needed varies per event. If selected and you opt not to play, players will be allowed to miss a maximum of two Pro-am tournaments over the course of the year. If a player needs to miss a Pro-am, she must notify the Tour by 5:00 PM on Friday before the tournament week.
Purse PayoutsPurse distribution will be made within 5 business days via ACH following the final round of each event pending the completion of paper work to the administration. Players will be required to fill out their paper work prior to the first event. It is is the player’s responsibility to ensure the TOUR has the proper information. Direct deposit is not available for foreign players without a US social security number, TIN or ITIN, and US Federal Law requires the NXXT Golf Tour to withhold 30% of foreign players’ winnings for US taxes. Purse payments can be mailed to foreign players with a US mailing address, or payments can be wired to the foreign player’s bank account (wire fees apply). A wire authorization form will be sent to all players that do not provide a US Social Security Number, TIN, or ITIN on the registration form. Note: a player must complete all rounds of the event as played to receive a purse payment. However, should a player need to withdraw after the cut due to a medical or family emergency, she would receive the place check. The purse for some events is set at $30,000 USD provided there is a minimum participation of 72 players and others being set at $40,000 based on 102 player participation, with the Tour Championship being set at $50,000 USD. Purses in fields of less than 72 players will be 43% of the entry fees. For example: 40 player field $10,320 purse, 60 player field $15,480 purse. Purses subject to be increased based on corporate sponsorship. Percentage of entry fees added to the purse are also subject to be changed based on player participation. 1. EPSON TOUR exemptions a) Every player has the opportunity to compete for Epson Tour Exemptions. NXXT will have 5 key tournaments at which they will each have 2 Exemptions awarded. The winner and the Runner up in said events will each receive an exemption to the next Epson Tour Event c) For an event to qualify for EPSON TOUR points, the field must be a minimum of 30 players. 2. PURSES: a) For 3-day events there is no cut and we pay out 30% of the field. b) Sample of 72-person field; we would pay out 22 players (more if ties). c) Purse would be min of $30,000 for this field and $40,000 for 102 players, more if tournament has corporate sponsorship. d) Payout sample is based on formula from LPGA. 3. TEAM PAYOUT a) The winning TEAM each week will be awarded $1000 in credit for registration fees to the next scheduled event. The award will be split evenly among all winning team members **Any payouts under $100 USD will not be paid out until either a) your earnings total over $100 USD or b) at the end of the Winter Series schedule.** *** Any player payout returned due to player banking errors will be subject to a $25 dollar Admin fee*** Purse breakdown based off of a field of 72 players*** Points (Rankings): 1. 500 2. 320 3. 230 4. 180 5. 145 6. 120 7. 100 8. 90 9. 80 10. 75 11. 70 12. 65 13. 60 14. 57 15. 55 16. 53 17. 51 18. 49 19. 47 20. 45 21. 43 22. 41 23. 39 24. 37 25. 35 26. 33 27. 31 28. 29 29. 27 30. 25 31. 24 32. 23 33. 22 34. 21 35. 20 36.19 37. 18 38. 17 39. 16 40. 15 41. 14 42. 13 43. 12 44. 11 45. 10 46. 9.5 47. 9 48. 8.5 49. 8 50. 7.5 51. 7 52. 6.5 53. 6 54. 5.5 55. 5 56. 4.8 57. 4.6 58. 4.4 54. 4.2 60. 4 61. 3.8 62. 3.6 63. 3.4 64. 3.2 65. 3 66. 2.8 67. 2.6 68. 2.4 70. 2 71. 1.9 72. 1.8 73. 1.7 74. 1.6 75. 1.5 76. 1.4 77. 1.3 78. 1.2 79. 1.1 80. +1
Registration and Payment InfoRegistration Procedures 1. Registration for professional players is on a first come basis. 2. Players are encouraged to register for all events they intend to play in to ensure their spot in the field. 3. There is a $150 deposit to register for an event 4. Registration fees will be charged to your credit card 2 weeks prior to the start of the event. 5. Registrations in the last 2 weeks before an event are charged an additional $50 late registration fee 6. Entry deadline is 3 days prior to the start of an event. 7. For withdrawals email and see more in the Withdrawal section.
Scoring PoliciesImmediately after completion of a round, players must bring their scorecards to the designated scoring area to check scores, sign cards and return them to the scoring official. It is the player’s responsibility to verify her hole-by-hole scores, as well as those of the player for whom she was the marker. Per USGA rules, once the player has turned in her scorecard and left the boundary of the scoring area, the scorecard is considered official. During the round, at specific scoring checkpoints, the player may be asked by a Tour Official or volunteer for her score in order to update any on-line scoring. These requests will be made as unobtrusively as possible. Cooperation by the player is required and greatly appreciated. Scoring checkpoints are generally as follows: Round 1 & 2: 5, 10 & 15 and tees Round 3: same unless live scoring is available
Spectators WelcomeWith the exception of caddies, all spectators must stay out of the fairways and off of greens and tees during play. It is permissible to gather near tees and greens, but we ask that spectators stay on the cart paths or rough while walking the course.
Tee Time ProcedureInitial pairings are selected at random. Players will be re-paired after each round by tournament ranking. Official tee times will be posted by 5:00 PM, two days prior to the first round. Pairings will be posted at the Tour Operation Center on the tour website. Tee-times will also be sent via text message to each player, so it is the player’s responsibility to provide a contact number and enable text messages on the registration form. Tee times are NOT available at the Tour office. We reserve the right to create Featured Pairings based on location and for promotional purposes.
Tournament Check-inCheck-in Days/Times are typically the day before or the day of a tournament. Players who are officially registered must check in at the onsite Operation Center in advance of the tournament. Player Profile pictures will be taken at their first event.
Tournament Eligibility and Wait ListThe 2024/25 NXXT Women's Pro Tour fields will be capped at 72 players per event. The player field will be determined based on the following ranking system: PLAYER FIELD ANNOUNCEMENT AND RANKING SYSTEM: To streamline registration and ensure a fair entry process, the full player field for each event will be released two weeks prior to the tournament start date. All applications are pending until this date, and the player field will be determined based on the following ranking system: 1.Top 100 NXXT Women's Pro Tour Members from the 2023/24 Season Points List 2.NXXT Women's Pro Tour Members 3.Epson / LPGA Guest Players 4.Non-member Professionals 5.Exemptions from NXXTGen Junior Tour Winners 6.Non-member Amateurs (Limited to 8 per event, based on committee review) At the two-week announcement, any players not in the field will be added to the player waitlist and notified accordingly. For more details, please see the 'Player Registration Tournament Entry Criteria section of our website. Early registration is encouraged to secure your chance to play.
Tournament Entry Criteria & OpsTournament registration is available through the NXXT Golf Tour website under the tournament schedule. Click on the registration button next to the tournament you wish to sign-up for. Registration opening and closing dates are on the schedule. Once a player registers, her status will show as registered and on the player list. If the tournament fills before the 14 day priority deadline, players will be moved to the waiting list according to the Priority List below. Entries will be taken by registration date in the following order of Priority: Category 1: All NXXT Golf Tour Professional Members Category 2: EPSON/LPGA Players Category 2: Non-member Professionals Category 3: NXXT Golf Tour Amateur Members. Amateur players (top 75 ranked Golfweek Collegiate Rankings or top 200 on the current WAGR). Amateurs unranked will be considered on a case by case basis by email at You will be notified by phone or email. Category 4: Non-member Amateurs; Amateur players (top 75 ranked Golfweek Collegiate Rankings or top 200 on the current WAGR). Amateurs unranked will be considered on a case by case basis by email at You will be notified by phone or email.
Tournament FormatMost tournaments will consist of 54-holes of stroke play (weather permitting). The maximum field at most events is 72 players, including 1 sponsor/host exemption. 2024 and 2025 in most cases, will feature a no-cut format to give players their “reps.” We do reserve the right to enforce a cut depending on field size and other factors. When a cut is implemented, it will be noted in the tournament notes page and the field will be cut after 36 holes. The top 40% of the starting field, including ties will advance to the final round. Amateurs are included in the cut number and eligible for prize money consistent with current USGA/R&A rules. Ties will be broken for first place only and will be broken by a “Sudden-Champion” (commonly known as sudden-death) playoff after all scores have been officially approved and posted. The designated starting hole for a playoff will be determined by the Committee when necessary. All subsequent holes will be determined on site. In the event of a tie for 2nd in a NXXT event with Epson Exemptions there will be a " Sudden-Champion" playoff for the Exemption ONLY Players are required to walk. Players may carry their own bag or use a push cart during tournament rounds. Should a player bring or hire a caddy, the caddy may use a push cart but must wear a caddy bib when provided. The NXXT Golf Tour reserves the right to amend this policy during tournament play should golf course conditions be unfavorable (i.e. wet/saturated areas that may be affected by push carts). All players will be notified of any change prior to the start of a tournament round. THE 88 RULE: If a player is to shoot above 88 in the first or second round of any event, NXXT reserves the right to cut said player from the field
Use of CaddiesEmployment of a caddie is optional. Players may carry their own bag or use a push cart during tournament rounds. It is the player’s responsibility for the conduct and behavior of her caddie. It is the player’s responsibility to find a caddie. Local caddies shall be paid promptly. The Tour takes no responsibility for the player/caddie relationship. Caddies MUST wear a Tour caddie bib when supplied during each tournament round. Caddies may use pull/push carts during tournament play. If the Tour authorizes the use of golf carts, caddies may have to walk. Appropriate golf attire is required for all caddies. Caddies must wear non-spiked rubber-soled shoes. Golf spikes and flip flops are prohibited. Caddies must assist in maintaining the course by REPLACING/FILLING DIVOTS AND RAKING BUNKERS as soon as possible after their players have played. During a round and when play is suspended caddies may not hit shots or putts anywhere on the practice areas or course except in specially approved competitions. For any violation of these regulations which affect play, a fine of $100 will be levied against the player of the caddie.
Waitlist CriteriaAfter a tournament field has reached its capacity (to be determined by the tournament committee for each event, but usually set at 72), a waiting list will be established. As spots become available, players on the waitlist will fill the field in the order of priority by registration date. The Tour will contact the player to let her know if a spot opens. It is the player’s responsibility to provide a valid contact number and email, as well as to let the tour know if her plans change and she wants to be removed from the waiting list.
Weather PolicyAll decisions regarding tournaments affected by weather conditions, including but not limited to rain, hurricanes, extreme temperatures, or other dangerous conditions (e.g., lightning), will be made at the sole discretion of Tour officials, in consultation with the host professional and event sponsors. The safety of players, spectators, and staff will always be the top priority. In the event of severe weather, such as a hurricane or other significant event that delays the start of the tournament or renders the course unplayable, the Tour reserves the right to defer the event to a later date or relocate the tournament to an alternative venue at a future date. Every effort will be made to inform participants of any changes as soon as possible. The decision to postpone or move the event is at the sole discretion of the Tour, and no appeals will be accepted. For weather-shortened tournaments, the event will be considered official after a minimum of 27 holes for a 3-day event, with officials making every effort to complete as many rounds as possible. Play may be extended by one day if feasible, but no further extensions will be granted. In the event of ongoing adverse conditions, the Tour may reduce the number of holes or rounds or cancel the event entirely if necessary. Refunds will not be issued for tournaments affected by weather, including those postponed, relocated, shortened, or canceled. The Tour will communicate updates promptly, but all weather-related decisions are final and binding.
Withdrawal to Play in an EPSON TOUR/LPGAFirst, congratulations for being called up! Players who are scheduled to play in a NXXT Golf Tour event, but qualify or become eligible to play in either a LPGA or EPSON TOUR event that same week will receive a full credit for their tournament entry fee less a $50 administration fee. Players need to notify the Tour office/staff of their desire to transfer their entry to another tournament as soon as they gain access to the LPGA/EPSON field. If the player requires a refund, there will be a $50 administrative fee. No refunds are issued once a player tees off at a NXXT Golf Tour event.
Withdrawals and Cancellation PolicyTo withdraw from any event, players are required to notify us at There will be no refunds on any deposits for withdrawals. If a player withdraws fifteen (15) days prior to the first round they will receive their entry fee back minus the deposit. If a player withdraws between 14-7 days prior to the first round they will receive half the entry fee back minus the deposit. If a player withdraws within 7 days the full amount of the entry fee will be forfeited. Upon fulfilling these conditions, players have the option to either transfer their entry fee to a forthcoming tournament without incurring any additional charges or receive a refund to their credit card. A $50 administrative fee will be deducted from all refund amounts. In the event of withdrawals occurring within seven (7) days of the tournament, the player's entry fee for that specific tournament will be forfeited. Withdrawals due to medical or personal emergencies within this timeframe will be reviewed on an individual basis. If such withdrawals are approved, a $50 administrative fee will apply. Once a player has started tournament play, neither refunds nor credits will be provided. Participants who are registered as "No Shows" will not be eligible for refunds or credits.
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) PolicyAll participants in the Women's Pro Tour are required to comply strictly with the World Anti-Doping Agency's guidelines. This includes adhering to the WADA prohibited substances and methods list, which is updated regularly. For reference, the 2018 WADA prohibited substances list can be found here. Participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this list, as it is essential for maintaining the integrity and fairness of the competition.
I. Team Formation and Captain Selection
Team Captain Selection
NXXT will appoint a team captain for each participating team.
Team captains must be active Tour Members. Alternate and Interim captains must also be members.
In the event a captain is unable to attend, NXXT will appoint a new captain for that event.
Team Naming
Captains have the authority to choose team names for their respective teams.
Draft Day
Draft day will take place on the Saturday after registration is completed.
Captains must be present at the online draft via Zoom or conference call to make their picks.
The draft will follow a snake-style format.
The order for the first event will be randomly selected, and subsequent events will be based on the standings from the previous week.
Draft Process
Captains have 2 minutes for the first round, 1.5 minutes for the second round, 1 minute for the third round, and 30 seconds for the fourth round.
II. Sponsorship
Team Sponsorship
NXXT may engage a sponsor for individual teams or all teams at its discretion.
If a team captain secures a sponsor, NXXT will manage the sponsorship and distribute expenses to the team players.
III. General Rules
Team Composition
Each team consists of 4 players.
The top 3 scores for each round from each team will count towards the team's total.
The team with the lowest cumulative score after the last round wins.
Payment Structure
The top team will receive a $1000 payout in account credit to the next tournament
Teams are open to any player, whether they are Tour Members or non-members.
IV. Purses
None of the Tournament Purse is allocated to the Team Purse, The team will have a separate $1000 awarded in tournament credit
Are you passionate about leading a team to victory and fostering the spirit of collaboration on the golf course? If so, we invite you to express your interest in becoming a NXXT TEAMS Captain for the NXXT Women’s Pro Tour Team Golf. Inquiries can be directed to NXXT Golf, or, where the journey to unite the power of players begins.