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Writer's pictureStuart McKinnon

Leadership and Tough Decisions: The Importance of Listening to Your Team

Leadership and Tough Decisions: The Importance of Listening to Your Team

Leadership is often defined by the tough decisions we make. While it’s easy to lead when choices are straightforward and well-received, true leadership is tested in moments of complexity, challenge, and controversy. Recently, at NXXT Golf, we faced such a moment with our policy change regarding transgender athletes. This decision wasn’t made lightly, nor was it made in isolation—it was guided by careful listening to the voices that matter most: our tour players.

The Power of Listening

In any organization—whether a corporate setting, a sports league, or a community initiative—the importance of listening cannot be overstated. Leaders who actively listen to their clients, employees, and stakeholders are better equipped to make informed decisions that align with the needs and values of those they serve. At NXXT Golf, our tour players are at the heart of everything we do. Their experiences, concerns, and aspirations shape the direction of our organization, making it crucial for us to involve them in this pivotal decision.

Conducting an Anonymous Player Poll

When the issue of our transgender policy arose, we knew we needed to hear directly from our players. To ensure their feedback was candid and uninfluenced, we conducted an anonymous player poll. The response was swift and decisive—within just two days, nearly 80% of our players had responded, with approximately 80% of those players supporting a change in our policy. This overwhelming feedback clearly indicated where our players stood, reinforcing the need for us to take action that genuinely reflected their collective voice.

Making the Hard Decisions

Leadership isn’t just about listening; it’s about acting on what you hear, even when the decisions are difficult. Our choice to revise the policy was guided by the input from our players, but it also required us to consider the broader implications for our sport and the values we uphold. We made this difficult decision fully aware of the potential risks—legal challenges, corporate backlash, and the impact on our efforts to secure sponsorships. However, we chose to move forward, understanding that leadership sometimes demands making tough decisions, even when those decisions may lead to unfavorable outcomes.

Our decision to change our player eligibility policy was not without its challenges, including the potential for lawsuits and negative backlash. Yet, we stood by our commitment to fairness and integrity—principles that have always been at the core of NXXT Golf. Sometimes, doing the right thing, even when it’s hard, is the only option. It’s about standing by your values and principles, no matter the cost.

The Role of Integrity in Leadership

At the heart of this decision—and indeed, at the heart of all effective leadership—is integrity. As leaders, we must be willing to make decisions that align with our values, even when they are difficult. For NXXT Golf, this meant prioritizing a level playing field for our female athletes, ensuring that every competitor has the opportunity to succeed based on skill and dedication alone.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, the lessons we’ve learned from this experience will continue to shape our approach to leadership. We will keep listening, keep engaging with our players and stakeholders, and keep making the tough decisions that uphold the integrity of our sport. The overwhelming support we received from our players in the poll reminds us that when we lead with transparency and integrity, we build a stronger, more united community.

I’m proud of the stance we’ve taken and grateful to our players for their trust and honesty. Together, we will continue to uphold the values that make NXXT Golf a place where fairness, integrity, and the voices of our athletes are always at the forefront.

A Rewarding Outcome

Sometimes, when you make tough decisions, you will be rewarded in ways you never expected. In our case, we have been overwhelmed with positive support from our players and their families, fans, and the entire golf community. This outpouring of encouragement reinforces our belief that doing the right thing, even when it’s hard, brings its own rewards.


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